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Hello fellow snack-a-teers! Here is where you will find the latest news on Uncle Crumbles and his adventures. Maybe even a scrumptious recipe or two featuring his fantablous creations.

Granola: The Perfect Ice Cream Topping - Uncle Crumbles

Granola: The Perfect Ice Cream Topping

A Sprinkle of Genius “Ah, the ice cream sundae...” Uncle Crumbles begins, adjusting his monocle (which may or may not be purely decorative). “...A concoction...

Peanut Butter Granola Apple Wheels - Uncle Crumbles

Peanut Butter Granola Apple Wheels

(Note from Uncle Crumbles: Ladies and gentlemen, prepare your jaws, for they are about to drop. I, your humble granola conjurer, have stumbled upon a...

Gluten-Free Cinna-Maple Granola Muffins - Uncle Crumbles

Gluten-Free Cinna-Maple Granola Muffins

Cinna-Maple Crunch Magic Muffins with Granola | Gluten-Free (Note from Uncle Crumbles: Ah, gentle reader! Enter the enchanting realm that is the granolaverse—where each morsel...

Is Granola the Key to Better Sleep? - Uncle Crumbles

Is Granola the Key to Better Sleep?

Is Granola the Key to Better Sleep? (Note from Uncle Crumbles: Ah, the midnight hour! The realm of dreams beckons, and yet, restless mortals toss...

How To: Gluten-Free Cran-Maple Spread - Uncle Crumbles

How To: Gluten-Free Cran-Maple Spread

Calling all Crumbleheads – those that love granola – who enjoy exploring new inventive granola-eating ways! Our snackateers at the Uncle Crumbles granolaboratory have been...

Potato Chip Vs Granola - Uncle Crumbles

Potato Chip Vs Granola

  Granola: A Better-For-You Snack We all love a good crunch when we’re snacking, but not all crunches come equal, especially when the focus is...

Energy Bites Recipe featuring Cran-Maple Crunch - Uncle Crumbles

Energy Bites Recipe featuring Cran-Maple Crunch

  Fuel Your Day with No-Bake Granola Energy Bites    As the winter season draws nearer and the days grow shorter, it’s safe to say we’re...

Behind the Crumbles: Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Granola - Uncle Crumbles

Behind the Crumbles: Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Granola

Some say you can’t make a snack that’s equal parts all-natural, gluten-free, and delicious. To that we answer, “You must not know Uncle Crumbles.” If...

Recipe: Granola-Crusted French Toast - Uncle Crumbles

Recipe: Granola-Crusted French Toast

  Cozy Mornings with Granola-Crusted French Toast    In today’s dispatch from the Uncle Crumbles granolaboratory, we’re taking a look at a crunchy version of a...

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