Hello fellow snack-a-teers! Here is where you will find the latest news on Uncle Crumbles and his adventures. Maybe even a scrumptious recipe or two featuring his fantablous creations.
Behind the Crumbles: Brainberry Granola
Uncle Crumbles granola is already appearing on grocery store shelves, online retailers, and even this very website. This snacking revolution is kicking off with five...
Behind the Crumbles: Sugar Cookie Granola
We’ll just come right out and say it: there are other granolas out there. Uncle Crumbles granola is not the only granola company in the...
Behind the Crumbles: Cinna-Maple Crunch Granola
The snacking revolution is well underway here at Uncle Crumbles. One of the more essential components of any revolutionary granola is its snackability. A perfect...
Reinventing Granola (And Ourselves)
In the vast realm of granolamakery, there are many who think they're groundbreaking, but few who actually do the work of breaking anything into delicious...