Hello fellow snack-a-teers! Here is where you will find the latest news on Uncle Crumbles and his adventures. Maybe even a scrumptious recipe or two featuring his fantablous creations.
Parfait, You Say? 5 Ways to Revolutionize Your Parfaits
Ah, the humble parfait—a layered masterpiece that’s as versatile as it is delectable. Born out of French culinary genius, the parfait (which means “perfect” in...
Where to Buy Uncle Crumbles Granola
Here’s where to buy Uncle Crumbles granola. 1. Right Here, On Our Website You’re literally one click away from genius, gluten-free granola. (Not counting the...
Ingenious Ingredients: The Unstoppable Almond
Almonds bring crunch, flavor, and history to every bite of Uncle Crumbles Granola. Packed with nutrition and taste, it's a snack centuries in the making!
The Top 10 Best Dried Fruit for Granola
(Note from Uncle Crumbles: Ah, dried fruit—the candy of nature, the jewels of preservation! What wondrous ingenuity mankind has shown in plucking fresh, sun-drenched fruits,...
Is Granola the Key to Better Sleep?
Is Granola the Key to Better Sleep? (Note from Uncle Crumbles: Ah, the midnight hour! The realm of dreams beckons, and yet, restless mortals toss...
Behind the Crumbles: Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Granola
Some say you can’t make a snack that’s equal parts all-natural, gluten-free, and delicious. To that we answer, “You must not know Uncle Crumbles.” If...
Behind the Crumbles: Cran-Maple Crunch Granola
While we didn’t invent maple syrup (thank you, sugar maple trees), we did invent a way to incorporate it into an all-natural, gluten-free treat that...
Behind the Crumbles: Brainberry Granola
Uncle Crumbles granola is already appearing on grocery store shelves, online retailers, and even this very website. This snacking revolution is kicking off with five...
Behind the Crumbles: Sugar Cookie Granola
We’ll just come right out and say it: there are other granolas out there. Uncle Crumbles granola is not the only granola company in the...
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